Annonce de parution: Jim A. Kuypers, éd. ‘Purpose, Practice, and Pedagogy in Rhetorical Criticism’

L’équipe du GRAL signale la parution d’un ouvrage édité par Jim A. Kuypers (Virginia Tech): Purpose, Practice, and Pedagogy in Rhetorical Criticism.

Au sommaire de cet ouvrage:

Chapter 1: On Objectivity and Politics in Criticism
Edwin Black

Chapter 2: Paddling the Rhetorical River, Revisiting the Social Actor: Rhetorical Criticism as Both Appreciation and Intervention
Jason Edward Black

Chapter 3: Rhetorical Criticism for Underdogs
Dana L. Cloud

Chapter 4: How Should Our Rhetoric Make Us Feel?
Celeste M. Condit

Chapter 5: Rhetorical and Civic Literacy in the Twenty-First Century: A Neo-Classical Rhetoric for the Digital Age
J. Michael Hogan

Chapter 6: The Wilderness Years of Rhetorical Criticism: Our Obsession with Powerlessness
Andrew A. King

Chapter 7: Artistry, Purpose, and Academic Constraints in Rhetorical Criticism
Jim A. Kuypers

Chapter 8: Endless Talk: The Purpose, Practice, and Pedagogy of the Rhetorical Conversation
Ryan Erik McGeough

Chapter 9: The Critical Impulse
Raymie McKerrow

Chapter 10: Rhetorical Criticism as Textual Interpretation
Martin J. Medhurst

Chapter 11: The Moral Critic: An Act in Several Histories
Ned O’Gorman

Chapter 12: Practicing Rhetoric
Samantha M. Senda-Cook

Chapter 13: Rhetorical Criticism and Citizenship Education
Robert E. Terrill

Chapter 14: The Glory of Rhetorical Analysis: Communication as a Process Of Social Influence
Kathleen J. Turner

Chapter 15: The Accidental Rhetorician
Marilyn J. Young

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