Calls for papers : Rhetoric and communication standards (24-25 nov. 2014) & Rhetoric in the Knowledge Society (24-27 june 2015)

L’équipe du GRAL est heureuse de relayer les appels à propositions de deux Congrès en rhétorique qui se dérouleront en Pologne : (1) Rhetoric and communication standards, Warsaw, Poland, 24-25 November 2014, (2) Rhetoric in the Knowledge Society,  University of Warsaw, Poland, 24-27 June, 2015.

Rhetoric and communication standards – 24-25 November 2014, Warsaw

Polish Rhetoric Society in association with The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences invites you to 13th Conference of Polish Rhetoric Society « Rhetoric and communication standards » (24-25 November 2014, Warsaw, Nowy Świat 72, Staszic Palace, room 144).

Ancient rhetoric had developed a comprehensive model of persuasion. Following its rules and recommendations was thought to increase the chances of the speaker to persuade the audience. The ancient ideal of the vir bonus dicendi peritus (a good man, an experienced speaker) was linked to ethical standards and oratorical competence. From antiquity till today a number of suggestions and recommendations on the principles of effective persuasion has been formulated. In addition to the normative approach, the current research interest lies in the descriptive approach: what standards, practices and cultural norms of persuasive communication developed over the centuries? How are they changing now? What are the new standards and expectations which shape contemporary persuasive communication? We invite you to a joint reflection on rhetoric in the context of norms, standards, practices and social expectations about persuasion. Your paper may addresses the following issues:

• Formulation of standards, rules and recommendations with reference to persuasion (logic, ethics, effectiveness, appropriateness, politeness, etc.)
• Genres of speech and principles of persuasion
• The standards, bans and requisitions in language policy (e.g., censorship, political correctness)
• Violations of communication standards and their impact on persuasion (e.g., provocation, scandal)
• Communication norms and ethics of persuasion in various professions (marketing, commerce, politics, PR, business, science)
• Cultural diversity of guidelines and rules regarding persuasion
• Historical changes of persuasive practices and recommendations for persuasion
• The didactics of persuasion (textbooks, guides, courses).

During the English part of the conference we will be pleased to present our guest speaker Alejandra Vitale (Universidad de Buenos Aires), the President of the Rhetoric Society in Argentina.

Practical information


30 September 2014 – deadline for on-line submissions of paper proposals (20 min presentation) via form

15 October 2014 – notification of acceptance

30 October 2014 – registration deadline: conference fee 350 zł (70 EURO), includes conference materials, lunches and coffee breaks;

31 January 2015 – sending a text for publication. The articles will be selected after a review process.

For additional information please contact us at


Rhetoric Society of Europe
Polish Rhetorical Society and Italian Language Department of the University of Warsaw

Fifth « Rhetoric in Society » Conference (RiS 5)

Rhetoric in the Knowledge Society

University of Warsaw, Poland
24-27 June, 2015

Call for papers

The ideal of sapere aude (« do dare to know ») has been known since antiquity. However, the conceptualization of the Knowledge Society is relatively recent. Knowledge, as one of the key concepts in modern society, may also be viewed from a rhetorical perspective. Knowledge is created within discourses and articulated in texts. These texts contribute to creating the very concept of knowledge and its internal qualifications such as scientific and non-scientific knowledge. The texts persuade the audience to various knowledge claims and dissuade it from others.

The goal of the conference is to articulate ways in which knowledge is conceptualized and made manifest through different rhetorical practices in various contexts of communication within society. We invite papers that address at least one of the two notions of ‘rhetoric’: rhetoric as an object of analysis and rhetoric as a theoretical and methodological framework. Rhetoric as an object of analysis may include, e.g., texts constitutive of academic discourse, scientific popularization, expert discourse, lay discourse on knowledge and dealing with knowledge, as well as representations of knowledge in literature, advertising, art, or humor. Rhetoric as a theoretical and methodological framework encompasses the conceptual and methodological tools elaborated within the long tradition, from the Aristotelian naturalist model of rhetoric to modern developments and innovative approaches that foster the theoretical progress of the discipline.

Proposals may include, but need not be limited to, such areas as:

  • rhetorical strategies involved in the creation, transmission, criticism, and evaluation of knowledge in academic and non-academic settings
  • rhetorical features of texts qualified as conveying scientific knowledge, pop-knowledge, folk-knowledge, common knowledge, pseudo-knowledge
  • the rhetorical analyses of discourses on and carried out within institutions of knowledge (e.g. universities, schools, museums, think-tanks)
  • social mobilization of emotions related to knowledge (e.g. concepts of risk society; confidence or diffidence towards experts; appreciation or depreciation of the humanities)
  • knowledge and power (“disciplinarization” through knowledge vs. empowerment through knowledge; policies of knowledge)
  • knowledge and knowledge workers as object of cultural representations in literature, art, film, humor, advertising.

The above topics is by no means closed; we are open to further proposals. Please do not hesitate to contact us with other suggestions and ideas that best satisfy your expectations concerning the programme. We welcome also ideas for panels from scholars willing to lead a session.


Colloque international (Liège, 24-25 octobre) : « Figures du peuple : rhétorique et société »


Liège – 24-25 octobre 2013
« Figures du peuple. Rhétorique et société »

Contacts :



09.00 – Accueil des participants et allocutions de bienvenue

09.30 – Émilie GOIN (Luxembourg/Liège) et François PROVENZANO (Liège) : « Énonciation, figures et société »

10.15 – Alain RABATEL (Lyon) : « À propos de deux stratégies opposées de caractérisation du peuple, ou comment catégoriser sans essentialiser »

11.00 Débat

11.15 Pause

11.30 – Alain VAILLANT (Paris) : « Les voix du peuple : une polyphonie en trompe-l’œil »

12.15 – Pierre POPOVIC (CRIST/Montréal) : « Le peuple en une syllepse. L’individuation collective dans Les Misérables de Victor Hugo »

13.00 Débat

13.15 Déjeuner

14.00 – Marc BONHOMME (Berne) : « Figures argotiques et construction d’un point de vue populaire dans les romans d’Alphonse Boudard »

14.45 – Laurent PERRIN (Paris) : « La voix de l’oralité dans le style de Céline : interjections, émotions et hyperboles »

15.30 Débat

15.45 Pause

16.00 – Nelly WOLF (Lille) : « Le peuple en toutes lettres »


09.00 – Dominique MAINGUENEAU (Paris) : « Le poète et les paysans. Réflexions à partir de Derniers sillons (1892) d’Emile Du Tiers »

09.45 – Jean-Pierre BERTRAND (Liège) : « Le peuple Rimbaud »

10.30 Débat

10.45 Pause

11.00 – Antoine JANVIER (Liège) : « L’intellectuel, le peuple et ses suppléments : remarques à partir du travail de Jacques Rancière »

11.45 Débat

12.00 Déjeuner

13.15 – Emmanuelle DANBLON (Bruxelles) : « Être citoyen : une fonction de la rhétorique qui s’apprend et qui s’exerce »

14.00 – Marianne DOURY (Paris) : « La place faite au peuple / la place prise par le peuple dans quelques dispositifs de démocratie participative »

14.45 Débat

15.00 Pause

15.15 – Aurélie TAVERNIER (Paris) : « L’expert participatif. Figures du savoir légitime à l’ère numérique »

16.00 Débat

16.15 – Jean-Marie KLINKENBERG (Liège) : Conclusions

Télécharger l’affiche de l’événement

Rhetoric in Society 4 – 15-18 janvier 2013 (Université de Copenhague)

L’équipe du GRAL a le plaisir d’annoncer l’organisation d’un Colloque en rhétorique sur le thème : « Contemporary Rhetorical Citizenship: Purposes, Practices, and Perspectives », à Copenhague, du 15 au 18 janvier 2013. Cet évènement est organisé par la Section de Rhétorique du Département « Média, Cognition et Communication » de l’Université de Copenhague.

Argumentaire scientifique : With the concept of rhetorical citizenship we want to draw critical attention to the ways in which being a citizen in a modern democratic state is in many respects a discursive phenomenon. Citizenship is not just a condition such as holding a passport, it is not just behavior such as voting; citizenship also has a communicative aspect: Some perform citizenship when they watch a political debate on TV or discuss a program about homeless people with their colleagues over lunch – or when, one day, they don’t duck behind the fence but engage their cranky neighbor in conversation about her views on city street lighting. Others enact citizenship when they engage in political debates on Facebook or Twitter or join their friends in coming up with the most poignant wording for a protest sign the day before a street demonstration. And for others still, « rhetorical citizenship » is a distant ideal far from the realities of their everyday life; because the legal citizenship, literacy, and media access that such a conception of citizenship often presupposes aren’t within their reach, their experience with rhetorical citizenship is one of exclusion.

Rhetoric, with its double character as academic discipline and practice, stands in a unique position to engage the linguistic and discursive aspects of collective civic engagement. Drawing on and in collaboration with neighboring fields of inquiry such as political science, discourse studies, linguistics, media studies, informal logic, practical philosophy and social anthropology, scholars of rhetoric are able to study actual communicative behavior as it circulates in various fora and spheres – from face to face encounters to mediated discourse. With our diverse theoretical and methodological backgrounds we hold many keys to pressing concerns such as the alleged polarization and coarsening of the ‘tone’ in public debate, the turning away from political engagement toward smaller spheres of interest, and the general difficulty in making politics work constructively in many parts of the world, not least the EU.We invite attendees – scholars, teachers, students, and citizens across a range of disciplinary traditions – to extend our knowledge of the social roles of rhetoric through theoretical and critical study, and to consider our roles as public intellectuals: how are we to name, describe, criticize, analyze, and, indeed, undertake or teach rhetorical action on matters of communal concern whether locally, nationally, or internationally?

We invite papers that help address questions such as, e.g.:

– How is rhetorical citizenship to be defined and developed as a critical frame for studying rhetoric in society?

– What conditions must obtain for rhetorical citizenship to be possible and thrive?

– What rhetorical processes and maneuvers can be observed in practitioners of rhetorical citizenship?

– How is rhetorical citizenship instantiated across genres, settings, and cultural or geographical settings?

– How is rhetorical citizenship experienced differently, even controversially, depending on power differentials and social or regional constraints?

– How can rhetorical history and pedagogy serve as a resource for contemporary theory, practice and critique of rhetorical citizenship?

– What disciplinary connections need to be made or reinvigorated for fruitful interdisciplinary work on rhetorical citizenship?

– What are potentials and pitfalls for sound and dynamic public rhetorical engagement?

– What is good and what is poor rhetorical citizenship?

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