Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la parution du dernier numéro de la Revue Argumentation (Springer Netherlands – Volume 23, Number 3, August, 2009) sur Chaïm PERELMAN et le Traité de l’Argumentation.
R. Amossy, R. Koren and G. Yanoshevsky (p. 293-300)
Perelman, ad Hominem Argument, and Rhetorical Ethos
Michael Leff (p. 301-311)
The New Rhetoric’s Inheritance. Argumentation and Discourse Analysis
Ruth Amossy (313-324)
A Place for Figures of Speech in Argumentation Theory
Christian Plantin (p. 325-337)
Manoeuvring Strategically with Praeteritio
A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans (p. 339-350)
The Notion of Pseudo-Argument in Perelman’s Thought
Emmanuelle Danblon (p. 351-359)
Perelman’s Pseudo-Argument as Applied to the Creationism Controversy
Guy Haarscher (p. 361-373)
The Concept of Scientific Fact: Perelman and Beyond
Zohar Livnat (p. 375-386)
From Argument to Assertion
Michael S. Kochin (p. 387-396)
Who is the Addressee of Philosophical Argumentation?
Shai Frogel (p. 397-408)
Perelman’s Audience Revisted: Towards the Construction of a New Type of Audience
Galia Yanoshevsky (p. 409-419)
Can Perelman’s NR be Viewed as an Ethics of Discourse?
Roselyne Koren (p. 421-431)
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Emmanuelle DANBLON : « The Notion of Pseudo-Argument in Perelman’s Thought ».
Abstract : According to Perelman (Rhétoriques, Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, 1989: 80), a pseudo-argument is an argument that is supposed to be convincing from a given audience viewpoint, while it is not from another audience viewpoint. Such a claim raises the traditional problem of the boundaries between the well known “convince versus persuade” dichotomy. This paper aims at investigating it from a contemporary rhetorical and argumentative perspective which will take into account the fictional dimension of persuasion. In this perspective, it will be claimed that the notion of an “as if” argument better fits to some rhetorical phenomena.
Keywords : Perelman – Pseudo argument – “As if” – Counter intuitive beliefs – Universal audience – Persuasion – Conviction
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