Le dernier numéro de l’International Journal of Law, language and Discourse est disponible à l’adresse suivante.
Sebastian McEvoy
Foreword i-viii
1. Colin Robertson
The Problem of Meaning in Multilingual EU Legal Texts 1-30
2. Maurizio Gotti
The Litigational ‘Colonisation’ of ADR Discourse 31-51
3. Martin Solly
Communicating with the Wider Audience:
The case of a legal blog 52-71
4. Ross Charnock
Alternative Justifications and the Argument from
Demystification in the English Law of Obligations 72-94
5. Maureen. L. Klos and Tamara. A. Klos
The Landlord’s Right to Consumer Protection 95-105
6. Eveline T. Feteris
Strategic Manoeuvring with Linguistic Arguments in Legal Decisions:A disputable literal reading of the law 106-125
7. H. José Plug
Obscurities in the Formulation of Legal Argumentation 126-142
8. Victor Ferry
The Dissociation of Notions as a Tool for Justification:
A study on practical reasoning in common law decisions 143-155
9. Anne Richardson Oakes
Schools and Race in the Language of the Law:
Precision or Meaningless Jargon? 156-179