PhD position in Argumentation Theory / Philosophy of Language in Lisbon

the Reasoning and Argumentation Lab (, a research unit within the Nova Institute of Philosophy (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) is opening a fully paid PhD position in Argumentation Theory / Philosophy of Language. This position is expected to start in mid-September 2019 and (given successful annual evaluation) last for 4 years.
The official call will be open JULY 22 – AUGUST 2, 2019 (by law, we are not allowed to receive applications before and after this date). PLEASE CONSULT ALL THE DETAILS ON THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE FOR PORTUGUESE ACADEMIC JOBS (

The PhD will be developed as part of the strategic project of the Nova Institute of Philosophy (UID/FIL/UI0183/2019) in collaboration with the COST Action CA17132 “European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis” (PI: Marcin Lewinski, 2018-2022) funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission. The project will be supervised by Dr. Marcin Lewinski. It will be developed within the ArgLab-IFILNOVA, while the required coursework can be officially attached to either the Department of Philosophy or the Department of Communication.

Following the rules of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the successful candidate will be receiving a monthly tax-free fellowship of € 989,70.

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