« The Reason of Rhetoric » par Emmanuelle Danblon (paru dans Philosophy & Rhetoric)

Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer la parution de l’article d’Emmanuelle DANBLON « The Reason of Rhetoric » dans la revue Philosophy and Rhetoric (Volume 46, Number 4, 2013, pp. 493-507). L’article est consultable en ligne.

Abstract : In this article, it is argued that the rationality of rhetoric is fundamental to it. Such a vision may be found in the humanist tradition but also in the practical dimension of the Greek techne. In light of this view, rhetoric must be seen both as an anthropology of speech and as the ground of society.
Keywords : Humanism, practical rationality, Perelman, phronesis, anthropology of speech

Call for papers : « Rhetoric in Society III » – 26-28 Janvier 2001 / Anvers (Belgique)

Call for papers

Rhetoric in Society III

January 26 – 28 2011

Department of Applied Language Studies
Lessius University College
Antwerpen – Belgium

Keynote Speakers:

Gunther Kress
Christopher W. Tindale
Jef Verschueren

Rethinking rhetoric

Since Aristotle, the study of rhetoric has focused on the persuasive aspect of discourse in the political, forensic, and ceremonial domains. Rhetoric deals with doxa, the shared opinions and reasons people consider plausible and acceptable in a specific situation. It involves decisions taken by participants in public discourse on the basis of common deliberation and free choice in domains in which there can be no absolute truth, e.g. as in social and political life. Nowadays, we have come to realize the importance of rhetoric in all forms of discourse. There is no communication without some form of rhetoric.

Rhetoricians examine how people use arguments and language in order to convince or persuade an audience. But there is a lot more to rhetoric than that. It comprises more than sets of advice; in fact it is an art. It is the art of discovering what is persuasive in a given situation. This inventiveness points to how rhetoric has a heuristic function as well. It appeals to our creativity in our search for relevant questions and answers to specific matters. And as our discourse and arguments develop in interaction with other discourses (Voloshinov / Bakhtin), the hermeneutic aspect of rhetoric should not be overlooked. There is no rhetoric without analysis, interpretation and theoretical reflection. The art of speaking and writing « well » can be considered a cornerstone of our cultures and our educational systems.

Interdisciplinary research

The conference Rhetoric in Society aims to present and discuss different approaches to rhetoric. It will address this basic question: in what ways can the study of rhetoric function and provide an insight into our postmodern world? Consequently, what can it claim about discourse in the public domain, how is it related to empirical sciences, what can it say about the ever increasing amount of information and opinion that pervades our lives? Conversely, it can also be asked in what way actual language and communication theories and disciplines draw on ancient rhetoric.

Contributions to the conference will cover a wide range of both themes and theories. They will cover a broad spectrum of academic fields and thus favour interdisciplinary research not only within the fields of rhetoric, rhetorical criticism, rhetorical citizenship, argumentation studies, pragmatics, critical discourse studies, text linguistics, art and literature, but also the fields of communication studies, journalism studies, political, social and educational studies, history and philosophy.

We welcome papers or panel proposals on the role of rhetoric and argumentation in written and oral discourse and genres, on topics such as: public deliberation, controversies, legal decision-making, spin, hyphenated writing, social change, political campaigning, social movements, public relations, publicity, advertising, management, corporate internal communication, art and literature, visual rhetoric and public media discourse.

The core themes of the conference are:

– Rhetoric in journalism and new media
– Rhetoric in political discourse
– Rhetoric in organizational discourse
– Rhetoric in legal discourse
– Rhetoric in education
– Rhetoric in visual communication
– Theoretical, historical and (inter)cultural perspectives on rhetoric.


* Please send your abstract of max. 300 words edited in MS Word to RIS3@lessius. eu.
* The abstract should include a title, a research question, an indication of the theoretical framework, at least three bibliographical references, methodology, results and conclusion. The academic committee will review the abstracts (blind reviewing).
* Deadline for abstracts is June 30thth 2010, 12 a.m. Central European time.
* All contributions should be presented in English only.
* Please mention in your abstract the conference theme(s) within which you wish to present your paper.
* Please put your name in the subject of your mail, and your further references in the mail message (affiliation, university or institution, e-mail, phone number, most important publications on the topic if possible, and the title of your paper).
* Notification of acceptance will be sent before September 15th 2010.


Proceedings will be published digitally after the conference on the conference website. A selection of the proceedings will be published in book form. Your paper should be submitted by April 1st, 2011 at the latest.

Academic Committee

Paul Gillaerts (Lessius – Department of Applied Language Studies)
Baldwin Van Gorp (Lessius / K. U. Leuven – Centre for Media Culture and Communication Technology)
Dorien Van de Mieroop (Lessius – Department of Applied Language Studies)
Michael Opgenhaffen (Lessius – Department of Applied Language Studies)
Bart Philipsen (K. U. Leuven – Department of Literary Studies)
Kris Rutten (Ghent University – Department of Educational Studies)
Chair : Hilde Van Belle (Lessius – Department of Applied Language Studies)

This is the third edition of ‘Rhetoric in Society’. The first edition of the conference was organized by Aalborg University (Denmark) in November 2006, the second by the Speech Communication Department and the Department for Journalism and New Media of the Humanities Faculty of Leiden University. The conference is also associated with the researchers’ network ‘Rhetorical citizenship: Perspectives on Deliberative democracy’, based at the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Department of Rhetoric at the University of Copenhagen. We hope this conference at the Lessius Department of Applied Languages in Antwerp will be just as successful as the previous ones. http://www.lessius. eu/tt/ris/


Lessius University College / Campus Sint-Andries
Department of Applied Language Studies
Sint – Andriesstraat 2
B – 2000 Antwerpen
Tel. +32 3 206 04 91

Colloque « Persuasion et argumentation », CRAL – EHESS, 7-9 septembre 2010

Persuasion et argumentation
Colloque international organisé par le CRAL à l’EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), 105 Bd. Raspail, 75006 Paris, salle 7

mardi 7 septembre 2010

9h 45 Accueil des participants

10h Ouverture du colloque, Esteban Buch Directeur d’Études à l’EHESS, Directeur du CRAL (Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage)

Session 1. Clarifications
Président de séance : Georges Roque, CRAL, CNRS-EHESS

10h 15 – 11h Daniel O’Keefe, Department of Communication Studies, Northwestern University
« Argumentation and Persuasion: Sorting out the Relationships »

11h – 11h 30 pause

11h 30 – 12h 15 Raphaël Micheli, Université de Lausanne
« Argumenter sans chercher à persuader ? Une analyse critique de quelques définitions non persuasives de l’argumentation »

12h 15 – 13h Michel Dufour, Université Paris 3
« Persuasion ou conviction, comment savoir ? »

13h – 14h 30 pause déjeuner

Session 2. Persuasion et théories de l’argumentation
Président de séance : Michel Dufour, Université Paris 3

14h 30 – 15h 15 Tony Blair, Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric, University of Windsor, Canada
« Argumentation as Rational Persuasion »

15h 15 – 16h Ana Nettel, UAM-A, Mexico, et Georges Roque, directeur de recherches au CNRS, CRAL-EHESS
« Entre persuasion et argumentation »

16h – 16h 30 pause

16h 30 – 17h 15 Frans van Eemeren, University of Amsterdam
« Strategic Maneuvering and Persuasion in Argumentative Discourse »

17 h15 – 18h Frans H. Van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, Bert Meuffels, University of Amsterdam
« Judgments on Fallacies : Systematic Empirical Research of the Conventional Validity of the Pragma-Dialectical Discussion Rules »

mercredi 8 septembre 2010

10h – 10h 45 Frank Zenker, University of Lund
« Are we really Integrating Rhetorical Insights? »

10h 45 – 11h 30 Christian Plantin, Directeur de recherches au CNRS, ICAR, Lyon
« Persuasion ou alignement ?»

11h 30 – 12h pause

Session 3 Le discours politique
Présidente de séance : Luisa Puig, UNAM, Mexico

12h – 12h 45 Christian Kock, University of Copenhagen
« Political Persuasion is a Different Territory from Epistemic Argumentation – But Let’s not Give it up as Lawless »

12h 45 – 14h 30 Pause déjeuner

14h 30 – 15h 15 Marianne Doury, chargée de recherches au CNRS, Laboratoire Communication et politique, Paris
« Prêcher des convaincus. Pourquoi argumenter lorsqu’on est tous d’accord ? »

15h 15 – 16h Félix Blanc, EHESS
« Convaincre avec passion(s), un obstacle à l’argumentation ? »

16h – 16h 30 Pause

Session 4. Approches rhétoriques I : réflexions théoriques
Président de séance : Christian Plantin, CNRS, ICAR

16h 30 – 17h 15 Christopher Tindale, Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Windsor, Canada
« Rhetoric, Argumentation, and the Available Means of Persuasion ».

17h 15 – 18h Emmanuelle Danblon, Chercheur Qualifié du FNRS, Maître de conférence en rhétorique, Université Libre de Bruxelles
« La rhétorique : à la recherche d’un paradigme perdu »

18h – 18h 30 pause

Session 5. Approches rhétoriques II : argumentation juridique
Présidente de séance : Ana Laura Nettel, UAM-A, Mexico

18h 30 – 19h 15 Katie Rose Guest Pryal, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
« The Dangers of Unfair Prejudice ; Enargeia, the Rules of Evidence, and Ethical Persuasion »

19h 15 – 20h Serena Tomasi, CERMEG, Research Center on Legal Methodology, University of Trento, Italy
« Forensic Rhetoric : Truth or Persuasive Efficacy ? Some Outlines on the Italian Experience »

jeudi 9 septembre 2010

Session 6. Littérature et linguistique
Présidente de séance : Marianne Doury, CNRS, Laboratoire Communication et politique

10h – 10h 45 Luisa Puig, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM, Mexico
« Doxa et persuasion dans le domaine du lexique »

10h 45 – 11h 15 pause

Una erección que dura más de 4 horas, que alcanzan la https://nfarmacia.com/es/levitra-generico/ musculatura lisa de las paredes que ocupan los espacios sinusoidales de los cuerpos cavernosos que. Eficaz y más cómodo de usar que sirve para aumentar la potencia sexual, para un cierto tipo de disfunción sexual. Y lo peor es a largo plazo, los recetan a los síntomas obstructivos y inflamatorios, normalizarla y potenciar es necesario escoger un remedio efectivo, sentirlo y probarlo.

11h 15 – 12h Marion Carel, maître de conférences à l’EHESS, CRAL, Paris
« Argumentation et persuasion dans le Claude Gueux de Victor Hugo »

12h – 12h 45 Philippe Roussin, Directeur de recherches au CNRS, CRAL, EHESS
« Persuasion, argumentation et littérature moderne »

12h 45 – 14h 30 pause repas

Session 7 Études de cas
Président de séance : Tony Blair, Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric, University of Windsor, Canada

14h 30 – 15h 15 Hans V. Hansen, Director of the Center for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric, University of Windsor, Canada and Jane McLeod, Department of History, Brock University, Canada
« Petitioning the Monarch: The Case of Provincial Printers in Eighteenth-Century France »

15h 15 – 16h Carlos González Domínguez, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexique
« L’éthos du présentateur de journal télévisé : raisons éthiques comme persuasion. Approche comparative internationale France-Mexique »

16h – 16h 30 Pause

16h 30 – 17h 15 Ralph H. Johnson, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Research in
Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada
« On the Evaluation of Visual Arguments »

17h 15 – 17h 45 Discussion générale et clôture

Contact : roque@ehess.fr