African Yearbook of Rhetoric (numéros en ligne)

On nous prie d’annoncer la mise en ligne (en open access) des six premiers numéros (d’autres numéros à venir) de la revue African Yearbook of Rhetoric dirigée par notre collègue Philippe-Joseph SALAZAR de l’Université du Cap (Afrique du Sud).

Présentation : The African Yearbook of Rhetoric (ISSN: 2220-2188) is a multi-lingual, peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the development of rhetoric studies on, and in Africa. Some special issues are released under the imprint of The Elephant and the Obelisk. From October 2012 the Yearbook is freely accessible on this site. The copyright to all materials is held by AfricaRhetoric Publishing and downloads made for public usage must be acknowledged.

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